Over ten-year managing and training experience within the Top Fifty worldwide companies
Nearly twenty-year working experience from basic level to would-be Asia high-level manager, we know the business administration of company well and provide the best solution to enhance individual or organization performance.

At work, we can take advantage of our ability and attitude to achieve performance every day. Ability means knowledge and skill/management.In YouKnowledge BA , we can learn knowledge, skill/management and attitude, which we should possess. Not too many as you think but they are enough for us to work smoothly and successfully.


基礎訓練課程 星期一(或二) 80763773詢問 星期四(或三) 80763773詢問 備註
上午09:30-11:30 資訊技術 300元(Word.Excel.PPT.Website.Moodle etc.)
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健康 50元附餐(養生法.生物科技 藥品.食品 等)
講師 Barry/Benson 等 Benson 等 請來電詢問本周確實上課日

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    前10名買(买)1送1 The top 10  buy 1 get 1
    前20名買(买)2送1 The top 20  buy 2 get 1
    前50名買(买)3送1 The top 50  buy 3 get 1

首先,吾人要狂贺YouKnowledge公司五力型组织(五力型組織)5-Leadership-power Organization®训练课程荣获2016年国际培训总会(榮獲2017年國際培訓總會)IFTDO Award(象征训练界’象徵訓練界’的奥斯卡金像奖)的入围(入圍),对于华人地区的台湾(華人地區ROC台灣)来说,在世界诸多大国环恃(環恃)之下,入围其实(入圍其實)就已经是得奖(得獎)了! First of all, I want to congratulate YouKnowledge company's  5-Leadership-power Organization® training course won the focusing consideration 2016 International Training Association IFTDO Award (like training industry Oscar). For the island nation Taiwan ROC of the Chinese regions, there are many big countries surrounding in the world, in fact, we can say that it has been the winner already while nominated!

世界級的獨家訓練課程World-class exclusive training courses



I. 第一企管理論(论)



II. 第二企管理論(论)



III. 第三企管理論(论)



IV. 第四企管理論(论)



V. 第五企管理論(论)



VI. 第六企管理論(论)



  • Ho's First B.A. Theory--5-Leadership-power Organization Theory
  • Ho's Second B.A. Theory-- Selling Edge Theory
  • Ho's Third B.A Theory-- Customer Need Model Theory
  • Ho's Fourth B.A Theory-- Workplace Promotion Pyramid Model Level Theory
  • Ho's Fifth B.A Theory-- Big 7 Attitude Dimension Theory
  • Ho's Sixth B.A Theory-- Vocal Module Theory

名額資訊(信息)將公開於(开于) The quota information will be published on niknowledge.com 網(网)址,以昭公信

5-Leadershippower Organization

The One for All the world

Human beings have the same characteristics in common. Based on this rule, we create several learning programs , which are adapted for global society.

YouKnowledge BA products are applied to society. They are all in a global view and useful for us to perform in our organization.

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